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Here is one on Automatic Writing
Automatic writing is the process, or product, of writing material that does not come from the conscious thought. The writer's hand forms the message, and the person is unaware of what will be written. It is often done in a trance state. Yvette has successfully used the technique in Most Haunted.
The writer takes a pencil and sheet of paper and positions their self as if about to write something. They then turn their attention elsewhere. Often, the writing is illegible. However, sometimes words, sentences or whole paragraphs appear. The message may be signed with a name other than that of the person writing, or shows a different handwriting to normal. The same process can be done with a computer keyboard. Some people know all the words one by one, as they are being written, or in phrases. Others have no idea of what is being written until they are finished, and they read the writing. As the process can be really fast it’s easiest to use single sheets of paper and number them as you go along.
Automatic writing is used as a form of channeling. It is also used in psychology as a means of gaining insight into the mind of the writer through their subconscious word choices. It has also been used in the Surrealist movement as a tool to enhance creativity.
Skeptics claim that any messages come from the mind of the person holding the pencil. Others believe that automatic writing is directed by a spirit and that it allows people to access other intelligences and entities for information and guidance. Some people have had bad experiences doing automatic writing and become convinced that an evil spirit or Satan is behind it.
Since the early days of Spiritualism, automatic writing has been accepted as a way to receive communications from the spirit world. Some believe that the spirits manipulate the pencil to communicate. Others believe that perhaps the spirits may also communicate by forming messages in the mind of the medium, which reproduce on the page. Mediums have claimed to produce messages from famous persons in history, deceased authors, and composers.
It’s possible to go beyond messages and include drawing, painting, and even music inspired by spirits. Sometimes, those with little or no artistic training feel compelled to paint or draw in distinctive styles. They feel guided by a spirit.
hey.mhaqil here.from mh crew.i would like to say thanks for dropping by on our blog.and once again thanks.keep on supporting us and we will bring to u guys and gurls more stories on ghost.have fun!
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