Sunday, February 05, 2006


Channelling is a new name for an ancient practice. Many people believe that life continues after death and that the spirits of the departed can be contacted and spoken with. The messages they receive are reputedly from dead people, guides, or angels.

It isn’t known who coined the term channelling. However, instead of focusing on contacting departed loved ones, channellers often contact guides, masters, aliens, or Archangels. Many mediums channel the same entity or entities repeatedly.

The theory is that the soul or spirit of the medium is pushed aside or leaves the body. This makes room for the other energy to enter and use the body for a period. The shift of energy can take seconds or minutes. Often as the shift begins, the body may shake or quiver.

Often the chaneller is unaware of what is happening until after they come out of their trance. This process is known as unconscious channeling. Chanelling is not the same as possession, where a person’s body is taken over by an evil spirit. The channeller allows the entity to use their body for a short period so that they can learn from them.


Blogger Hillary Templeton said...

Hey Sophie Chamberlain, am I glad I found you. I'm really keen on psychic mediums and found your blog. Channelling certainly got my interest. What do you think of psychic mediums ? Not everyone is as convinced as I am that they are the way forward. Anyway, thanks for your post! Sophie

12:17 PM  
Blogger Darla said...

You've got some fascinating stuff here, Sophie. Thanks for pointing me here. I'll be back, I'm sure. :)

3:14 PM  

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